Xbox One February 2020 update rolls out a new home screen

If you've ever felt like the Xbox One home screen looks a little too busy, then you'll probably be very pleased with the console's February 2020 update that's shipping out today. Among other things, the update delivers a new streamlined home screen that cleans things up significantly. These features have been in testing since last year, so if you're an Xbox Insider, you've probably already seen them.


For everyone else though, the goal of this home screen redesign is to make the menu feel more responsive while putting games and other content closer to the center. Microsoft says that it has removed the twists from the top of the screen has replaced them with dedicated rows for Xbox Game Pass, Mixer, the Xbox Community, and the Microsoft Store. Those will be the default rows that all users will have at the start, but users will also be able to customize their rows and put content they want to see there.

Looking at the screenshots Microsoft shared today, the new home screen definitely looks a lot less cluttered. Going hand-in-hand with that home screen redesign is an update to the Games & Apps UI that will allow you to create content groups and will also label any trials and demos you may have installed.


When looking at a conversation on your console, you'll now be able to view any images or GIFs that are included in it, and you'll also be able to view the content of message requests – assuming that your safety settings will allow it. Microsoft will also let you download bundled Game Pass content individually, so for instance, you'll be able to download games like Shenmue I and Shenmue II separately even though they're offered in a bundle together.

After this update is applied, you'll be able to move installed content to an external drive through the Storage Management feature. Add to that the ability to change your preferred location for notifications and a handful of Mixer updates (including the ability to browse VODs and clips from the Xbox app), and we've got ourselves an update. The update is shipping out to Xbox One consoles beginning today, so look for a prompt to install it the next time you power on your console.

