X-Steady Electro: A Video Stabilizer For GoPros, Smartphones
Xsories recently introduced its new X-Steady Electro, the first electronic video stabilizer from the company. It is designed for use with small cameras — action cameras like the GoPros and smartphones, for example. It works by keeping the horizon line perfectly flat while recording, and to reduce the amount of shaking that makes it way into the final product. It is ultra-light at 220 grams, making it suitable for portable, extensive use.
The product is fully known at the X-Steady Electro 1 Axis, and it features an orange cushioned handle that leads up to a mount upon which a camera or mounting accessory can be attached. Below that is a weight branded with the Xsories brand. If the regular grip isn't adequate, one can also attach one of the maker's U-Shot camera poles.
The stabilizer features HorizonDrive technology, which is a brushless motor technology described as "fast reacting" to keep shots stable. The light weight is designed to prevent fatigue. Cameras are attached via a 1/4" universal screw insert — a clamp can be used alternatively for smartphones.
A 500Ah li-ion battery is included with a charger; one can use the stabilizer for 1.25 hours max per charge. Says the maker, most phones can be used with X-Steady Electro, as well as action cameras from Sony, Contour, GoPro, and more. The device will be released later this month for £189.99.