Ultra-D shows off 2160p 3-D TV needing no glasses

We all know that the typical full HD resolution for TV broadcasts and viewing is 1080p. There are some TVs we have seen before that support 4K resolution, which is significantly higher than 1080p. When exactly broadcasters will start to broadcast 4K resolution programming is unknown. At IFA in Berlin this week, a company called Stream TV Networks unveiled Ultra-D 2160p 3D TV.


The coolest part about the TV technology that the company offers is not only does it support the conversion of existing 1080p content up to 2160p resolution; it also supports 3-D with no glasses. The company says that it has developed a groundbreaking algorithm that can add resolution to the data in existing content. The company says that the algorithm will work on content of any resolution allowing it to be viewed in greater than 1080p.

In some cases, the resolution can be upscaled all the way to 2160p. The Ultra-D 2160 3-D without glasses Television lets the viewer view content in a higher resolution than the output source. The technology allows for the presentation of 3-D content without any viewing angles, distortion, or other visual artifact.


Source content for the 3D TV the company offers can be anything from cable or satellite to game consoles and streaming content from Netflix. The conversion to high-resolution 3-D happens in real time. The company's first 2160p product will be a 60-inch television. The company also intends to introduce 42-inch and 46-inch 1080p LED 3-D without glasses TVs its auto converting technology called SeeCube. Pricing and availability are unannounced.

