Ubisoft Wii U Support Strong As Showed At E3

Ubisoft's official pre-E3 media briefing has come and gone, and one of the strongest focuses was the company's pledge to offer solid support for the only piece of unreleased hardware that is on display at this year's E3 show. No fewer than eight Wii U titles are currently in development from Ubisoft, and all have been revealed.


Here's a list of Wii U games confirmed by the publisher: ZombiU, Rabids Land, Killer Freaks from Outer Space, and additions to both the Ghost Recon and Assassin's Creed franchises. ZombiU will be the first of these, which is meant to be a cute, accessible zombie game for casual audiences. Details for the others will continue to roll out as their respective release dates approach.

Ubisoft has proven itself as one of the strongest third-party publishers in the industry, and it shows strong affiliation for all the major consoles. It is one of the most reliable content partners, and the Wii U is proving to be no exception to that. Nintendo needs to prove that it can have successful franchises on its consoles other than ones that it creates. The Wii U will be a true test of thst.


[via All Things D]

