Tzero demos 2nd Gen UWB Wireless HDMI

TZero Technologies demonstrated its second generation UWB-based wireless HDMI technology- ZeroWire 2.0 at a developer's conference in Tokyo this week. It is said to be the World's first commercially viable Full HD 1080 60P wireless HDMI solution with low manufacturing cost while capable of HDMI 1.3a bandwidth with 7.1 channels audio.


Zerowire 2.0 combines TZC7200 Ultra Wideband chipset and In-House UltraMIMO signal processing technology to deliver a peak link rate of 480Mbps at ranges greater than 66-feet. Full Video signal supports includes 1080P at 24/30/56/60 fps as well as legacy 480i/p, 720p and 1080i in H.264 video compression with support for sub-frame latency and HDCP. The HDMI 1.3a stamped product will also ensure Tzero compatible with Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) functionality in addition to legacy IR control.

Performance is not what gathers media attentions, forget thousand of dollars from competitions; costs at $50 per unit, Tzero is one of the most cost-effective HDMi wireless solution on the market. I'll be looking forward to get my demo at CES 2009.


