Trump Launches Kickstarter Clone FundAnything
Most of us probably know Donald Trump as the orange-skinned, toupee wearing rich guy that likes to fire people on TV. Trump is probably best known for Celebrity Apprentice, but his real focus is in the world of real estate and business. Trump and a partner named Bill Zanker have announced that they intend to launch a Kickstarter competitor with the goal of bringing crowd funding to the masses.
The new crowd-sourced funding site will be called FundAnything. Trump has even gone so far as to promise to fully fund some of the projects himself. Trump also promises to tweet about new projects on a weekly basis.
If you think this is nothing more than a clone of Kickstarter and Indiegogo, you're right. Zanker says, "What I'm trying to do is bring crowdfunding away from the Brooklyn hipsters and bring it to the masses." The launch of Trump's crowd sourced funding initiative was naturally made in New York at the Trump Tower.
One interesting twist for FundAnything is that it will guarantee any backers of a project a return of up to $100 on their investment if a project turns out to be fraudulent. Naturally, FundAnything will charge a 5% administration fee on successful campaigns and a 9% fee on unsuccessful campaigns. Kickstarter and indiegogo both charge similar fees.
[via AllThingsD]