TiVo Simplifies Subs (By Axing Cheapest Plans)

I have never used a TiVo DVR, but I have been enamored with some of the features that the TiVo offers that my DirecTV DVR lacks. The main reason I have never stepped into the TiVo world is that the service and hardware is just overpriced in my book. I'm not going to buy your DVR, pay you for monthly service and then pay the cable company for service too. That hardly makes sense to me and I bet lots of people are the same way.


Still, many folks are huge TiVo fans and will pay whatever it takes to keep their beloved service. TiVo has announced that it is trying to make its prices easier for shoppers to understand. Unfortunately easier to understand and simplified means that the cheap plans are getting the axe in favor of the more expensive plans. The new monthly fee for TiVo Premiere users will be $19.99 with a 1-year commitment required to start with.

The lifetime service option is offered again at a whopping $499, which is the most the lifetime service has cost in TiVo history. There are rumors that multi-unit service discounts will continue, but at an increased rate of $14.95 from the $9.95 currently. The lifetime multi-unit option will cost $399. The TiVo hardware pricing has the Premiere selling for $99 and the Premiere XL going for $299.


[via Zatznotfunny]

