Time Warner Cable lambasted over slow speeds by New York AG

New Yorkers have been writing New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman over alleged slow download speeds on Time Warner Cable, and those complaints have prompted the AG to fire off a letter to Charter, the company that recently finalized its TWC acquisition. In the letter, Schneiderman presses Charter to fix Time Warner Cable's 'abysmal' performance, citing numerous complaints about lower-than-advertised download speeds.


Schneiderman sent the letter to Charter yesterday, saying the company needs to "clean up Time War Cable's act." According to New York TWC customers, they have experienced lagging games, buffering movies, and other issues related to Internet speeds slower than the download rates they were promised.

The letter specifically calls out some of TWC's advertisement language, saying:

In advertisement after advertisement, Time Warner Cable promised a 'blazing fast,' 'super-reliable' Internet connection. Yet it appears that the company has been failing to take adequate or necessary steps to keep pace with the demand of Time Warner cable customers.

The NY AG's office has been conducting an investigation into the matter, and Schneiderman cites that probe in his letter, saying that so far they've found "that Time Warner Cable has earned the miserable reputation it enjoys among consumers." The ISP has also been accused of giving subscribers hardware that isn't capable of producing the services they're paying for.


SOURCE: Washington Post

