Three major carriers join "It Can Wait" campaign against texting while driving

On March 28, we reported on a survey conducted by AT&T, which revealed that just under half of all drivers in the United States admit to texting while driving, despite 98-percent of those individuals reporting that it is dangerous and something they shouldn't do. Likewise, according to that survey, 43-percent of all teenage drivers say they text and drive. Such is the reason AT&T created the "It Can Wait" campaign, which several carriers just joined.


Earlier today, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon announced that they have joined the "It Can Wait" campaign, which was created by AT&T in 2012 and is slated to begin circulating advertisements on May 20. The carriers aren't the only ones working towards eradicating texting while driving, however, with in excess of 200 organizations and companies also slated to come on board.

The goal of the campaign is to bring awareness to the dangers of texting while driving, with it primarily targeting teenage drivers. For this reason, the project is set to run radio, TV, online, and in-store advertisements throughout the summer when teenagers are more likely to engage in the activity. The campaign will run through Labor Day.


As part of the campaign, teenagers and other commuters are being encouraged to make an anti-texting-while-driving pledge, doing so on the official It Can Wait website or via its Facebook account. The campaign is also ramping up on Twitter under the hashtag #itcanwait. Videos are already circulating for the campaign, with everyone being encouraged to share stories for the public on texting while driving.

In addition to the advertisements, It Can Wait's website also features a texting-while-driving simulation game that demonstrates the difficulties and dangerous in sending a text message while operating a vehicle. While the co-branded aspect of the campaign will end on Labor Day, the project itself will continue beyond it.


