THQ uDraw Tablet Brings Drawing to the Wii
Here's one peripheral that's been missing from the Nintendo Wii. Though, with all that punching and rowing, it's no surprise that something as artistic as drawing and painting would be overlooked. But, it's finally here, and THQ has managed to make a peripheral that makes a lot of sense, while bringing that whole "tablet" thing into the video game market, too.
The uDraw gaming tablet will launch this holiday season in the United States; perfect timing for all those Wii fans out there who've been waiting to draw in the digital world. It will launch with a bundled game: uDraw Studio, which the publisher bills as an "expansive drawing, coloring, and art-based video game." If that's not to your liking (too bad, 'cause it's in the box), you can also choose from Pictionary and Dood's Big Adventure, which are scheduled to launch on the same day, for about $30 each. More games should follow shortly thereafter. And, if you find yourself in the international market, the gaming tablet will launch in your neck of the woods some time in early 2011.
[via Joystiq]