Survey: T-Mobile Has Fastest Network, Happy Customers

A five-week long survey of actual smartphone users (that's you and me!) has yielded some interesting results about how we use our phones, and if we're happy with our carrier. This study touched on all manner of things, like upload and download speed, connectivity, tech support, and overall bang for the buck. Survey respondent also touched on smartphone availability from their carrier, as well as service and billing. As it turns out, T-Mobile customers are among the most satisfied, and are largely satisfied with their network.


When it came to data connection and reliability, 62% of overall survey participants were satisfied or very satisfied with their service. Of those who participated int he survey, 69% of Verizon customers were happy with big red's availablity, compared to 67% for AT&T — both outpacing the overall trend. T-Mobile saw a 64% satisfaction rate, while Sprint had a 39% happy-customer rate (they were the only carrier who had more customers reporting they were actually dissatisfied than they did happy ones).

59% of Verizon customers were happy with their data connection reliability, followed closely by T-Mobile with 58% saying they were happy with the carrier's signal reliability. AT&T had 57%, while Sprint had a 45% satisfaction rate.


Last year, T-Mobile's satisfaction rate was 44%.

Data network download speed — often a point of contention in advertising — sees T-Mobile on top with survey participants. A 65% satisfaction rate keeps them ahead of AT&T (62%) and Verizon (59%). When it comes to upload speeds, T-Mobile is once again champion with a 61% satisfaction rate. AT&T keeps 56% of customers happy, while Verizon has just over half — 52% — of customers happy with their upload speeds.

Unfortunately, the sampling here is small at 652 respondents. If it's any indication of the larger picture, though, T-Mobile has made big steps toward challenging AT&T and Verizon.

Source: Computer World

