Study: iOS users encrypt data more than Android users

Data security is important to us all, but who's more concerned with it? From a mobile standpoint, cloud storage offers an easy way to back files up, and each major mobile OS has a remote device lock feature. Cross-platform cloud storage solution iDrive has examined the backups on their platform from both iOS and Android, and compared the measures we take to safeguard our stuff. In addition to highlighting the content we save most often, iDrive also found that when it comes to security, iOS users are much more likely to use encryption.

The fun stats: iOS users uploaded 33% more photos and 20% more video than Android users. iPhone users sure do love that Instagram, don't they?

Apple fans were also more likely to use a key encryption. To be equitable, iDrive measured 20,000 users from each platform.

Of those 20,000 users via each platform, 460 Android owners used an encryption key. 632 iOS users were using encryption.

It's possible the findings are an instance of conditioning, though. Apple takes some thorough — sometimes exhausting — steps to safeguard users. More often than not, you're re-entering a  password to download an app or entering a PIN to get back into your device.

Android, on the other hand, makes similar tools available, but tends not to force them on users as much.

Garve Hayes, solution architect for NetIQ, says "Apple and Google are taking [security] to heart, but I think Apple has taken it one step further and has removed the conscious decision from the device owner—they just go ahead and do it."

What should we take from this? According to iDrive, it's about those who aren't using any encryption:

Whatever factors might explain why iOS users are more prone to protecting their data, the conclusion is simple: People should be more aware about how to protect their data no matter what platform they use.

We're living in a post-leaks era in which our photos, videos, and business documents are at risk if not protected. Since they are the backbone of our lives, we should treat them as such by securing them in the cloud with encryption that can't be broken.

Source: iDrive

Via: PC World