Steam Library's long-overdue makeover is now in public beta

Despite the challenge that Epic Games raised against it, Valve's Steam remains the digital game distribution platform of choice for the majority of developers and publishers. That, however, doesn't mean it offers the best experience when browsing and looking for games. After 16 years, Valve is finally changing the face of Steam and those who want to try it out can now do so. At their own risk, of course.


Steam is more than just a library of games, of course. It's also a storefront for buying games but, just as important, a place to discover ones you may have never have heard of before. The latter usually involves a combination of seeing what your friends are enjoying as well as algorithms that recommend titles based on your own purchases.

Almost mirroring the home screens of gaming consoles like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the new Steam Library will put a focus on the interactive and recent things that happen in the gaming world, from updates and events for games you already own to your friend's activities. You can even create a shelf of your own for your carefully curated collections.

Steam will also finally let you organize your library the way you want, not simply based on alphabetical order. Simply drag and drop games between those custom collections or create new collections. Gamers also have more filters to choose from to see only what they want.


As it promised before, Valve is making the beta version of the new Steam Library available to the public. Simply head to your user settings to change your beta participation setting. Of course, being in beta means it'll be subject to some changes so best not to get too attached to any particular new feature.

