Star Wars The Force Awakens TV Spot #11

If you haven't purchased your tickets to see Star Wars The Force Awakens yet, odds are you won't be seeing the flick on opening weekend. We are only a few weeks for the new Star Wars flick hitting theaters and all many old school Star Wars fans are hoping for is that Abrams and Disney don't mess things up with the new film.


A few days ago, we posted up all the trailers that had landed for the film for fans to check out in one place. A new TV spot has landed that adds a bit that we haven't already seen. No annoying new characters like Jar Jar Binks have surfaced so far.

I'm not the only one wondering why Kylo Ren's fancy lightsaber is so rough when the blade is on rather than being smooth like all the other sabers in the franchise. The film hits theaters in the US on December 18.

Despite being called the Imperial March, that tune always meant Darth Vader to fans of the original franchise. I almost wish they had a new tune for Kylo Ren, hopefully Ren can match up with the other Sith lords and Vader himself as far as a nemesis for the remaining Jedi.


