Sony PSP Gets Firmware Update, Hints PlayStation Store Is Coming Back Soon

If you are a PlayStation 3 fan that likes to play online games and peruse the PlayStation Store online, you have been waiting for a while now for Sony to get back to business as usual. The PSN is finally back up but so far the Store has remained down. Part of the "sorry we let you info get stolen, don't leave us for Xbox" swag that Sony is offering up are a couple free games for PS3 users and lots of folks have virtual money burning a hole in their pocket and are wanting to spend that loot as fast as possible.


Last week an intercepted memo surfaced reportedly from Sony to devs that said the PlayStation Store would be back up and running today. Yesterday a new update for the PSP landed that hints the PlayStation Store is indeed coming soon. The update appears to be the PSP equivalent to the PS3 update that forced owners to update their passwords for the PSN. The problem with that PS3 update was that the not-so-carefully-crafted update your password process used information that the hackers who stole user details have access to opening users up to a new hack.

The new PSP update brings the portable console to version 6.3.9. Sony notes that the update will guide users that need to change their password through the process. The update also improves system software stability during the use of some features. There are no specific details of what is fixed in the update offered.


