Sonic-Connect 2 Lets You Step Away From The Desk And Stay Informed
If you're the sort of person who has a need to be connected to a computer at all times but you don't want to have to sit in front of it constantly, you might be interested in the Sonic-connect 2. This device is a portable USB gadget that plugs into your computer and can alert you of incoming messages from a variety of sources. The Sonic-connect 2 is able to keep an eye on different types of messages.
For instance, when you're away from the computer it can monitor incoming messages from Skype, Instant Messenger, Outlook, and other locations. The device has customizable alert options and bright white LED lights. It also features a loud ringer and vibration alert to get your attention when you aren't at your desk. Software included with the device allows you to set up VIP contacts and preferred alert settings.
That means only the most important contacts will interrupt you outside of normal hours. The device also features red "waiting" lights that glow to indicate when you have a pending message if you missed the device's initial alert. All of the messages that come in are viewable in the Sonic Alert Messaging Window allowing you to keep all communications in one place.
The Sonic-connect 2 is plug-and-play capability and is small and compact enough to take with you on the go. The device gets power and connectivity to the computer from a USB port. Multiple Windows operating systems are supported including XP, Vista, and 7. However, the device is not compatible with Mac computers. The Sonic-connect 2 is available now for $49.95.
[via Sonic Alert]