Sea And Sea's 860G Underwater Camera

Although I'm not an avid diver or even snorkeler, I love underwater photography and would probably go to the sea more often if I could just get my hands on an affordable underwater camera that's not the toss-away-one-time-use kind meant for the swimming pool. Sea and Sea has answered my prayers with this 6.2-megapixel beauty, the 860G. It comes with a 2.5-inch LCD, 3X zoom, and even records 640x480 video with sound. The underwater housing is also not incredibly bulky, making it great for manuverability when chased by angry fish or just good for portability on a vacation. Unfortunately, it will only be available in Japan for now, starting November 21st for about $462.Underwater camera comes with a bathing suit [Via: SciFi Tech]


