Rumor: Incoming DROID Has 6-Inch Screen, Snapdragon 810

Motorola, who have quietly dominated the Android landscape in the last half of 2014, are reportedly at it again. This time, they're rumored to be taking the Nexus 6 form factor, and re-branding it as a DROID. The new Verizon-only device would keep the 6-inch screen, but come with impressive new internals. Rumors also indicate the device, in true DROID fashion, would carry a 4,000mAh battery. As for when this device will hit Verizon stores, mid-2015 is the rumor.


Aside form the same 5.9-inch screen you find on the Nexus 6, this DROID is alleged to carry a Snapdragon 810 underneath it's cover, along with 4GB RAM.

Though the device sounds a bit like a "pack everything you could possibly want/get into a phone" scenario, it's not without precedent. Original source Droid Forums appropriately notes the DROID Turbo was a beefed up Moto X on launch.

Aside from a SoC and RAM update, it's not known if the latest DROID would come with any new internals. The camera on the DROID Turbo is pretty great as-is, so Motorola could just re-use that hardware. A 4,000mAh battery in a phone would be pretty bulky, but that's typical DROID fare.

Droid Forums considers their source "solid", though we're not as convinced. A "mid 2015" release timeframe is a bit off-track, as the past few years (read: when Motorola came back in a significant way) have yielded new DROIDs in the Fall. Still, we'll happily wait and see if this pans out.


Source: Droid Forums

