Researchers Lambast Study Associating HPV Vaccine With Brain Damage

Vaccines are a hot topic and, unfortunately, the source of ample criticism by those who fear they cause autism and other conditions. The latest vaccine to reach alarm status is the HPV vaccine, which deals with the human papilloma virus and aims to prevent cervical cancer in women. This vaccine is recommended for women and girls, and is also increasingly being given to boys, but a new study has undermined confidence in it, associating it with brain damage in mice.


The study in question was published in Scientific Reports on November 11, and describes mice who, after receiving extremely high doses of HPV vaccine alongside a toxin, suffered brain damage and mobility problems. The problem, according to scientists who have criticized the paper, is that the study looked at the effects on mice who were given HPV vaccine dosages 1,000 times higher than the equivalent human dose. As well, the mice were also given a toxin that damaged the blood-brain barrier and reportedly makes it 'leaky,' something humans aren't subjected to.

In essence, the critics state that the study uses a scenario that isn't relevant to human vaccines and therefore does not in any way reflect the experiences a human receiving the vaccination will have. The researchers behind the study, however, aren't backing down and state their findings were subjected to 'an intensive scientific review.'


The HPV vaccine, as with most vaccinations, has been controversial. Some individuals who have received the vaccine claim to have experienced a wide variety of side effects, including symptoms similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, trouble walking, headaches, trouble concentrating, and more. News of these alleged symptoms has caused vaccination rates for this particular vaccine to drop, worrying some researchers and medical professionals. As it stands, the scientific and medical communities regard the HPV vaccine as safe.

SOURCE: Scientific Reports

