PSN Breach Or Not: I Don't Like Online Gaming Anyway

When Sony's PlayStation Network service was hacked in April and the company was forced to take it offline until earlier this month, there were many gamers out there that were upset to see it go. Those gamers had been playing online titles for quite some time on their PlayStation 3 devices, and if they didn't have an Xbox 360, they didn't have a worthwhile online-gaming experience to turn to.


While all that was going on, I didn't miss PlayStation Network one bit. I went about my day, playing games as I normally do, and didn't even think once about PlayStation Network.

Though I'm singling out the PlayStation Network, I could say the same for Microsoft's Xbox LIVE platform. If the worst occurred and that service was breached, forcing the software giant to take it offline, I wouldn't have missed it one bit.

See, I don't like online gaming. I've tried it many times in the past, and I've found that it's not for me.

My biggest issue with online gaming is that I simply don't have the time to dedicate to it to even be good enough to play. When I tried Call of Duty: Black Ops on Xbox LIVE last year, I found myself getting killed with ease by players that have more skill than I think I'd ever be able to build up. For a while, I tried to improve my ability and play more; but after a while, I realized that I didn't have the time to do it. And after continuing to get killed quickly, I decided that sticking with offline multiplayer with friends was a much better option for me.


But that's just one small part of my issue with online gaming. The biggest problem I have with it is the user base. Far too often when I go online to relax and play a few games with others around the world, I find them to be unbearable. They yell, bark orders, taunt, and say some of the most amazingly obnoxious things I've ever heard. After just a few minutes of it, I've heard enough.

For me, the only way to play online is with some friends. We find a time to get on our consoles and play together. It's a simple, more-relaxed option that delivers the kind of experience that many folks enjoy when they're playing with others around the world.

So, although some were upset to see PlayStation Network bite the dust for a month, I wasn't fazed at all. I thought the move was a smart one on Sony's part, and I welcomed the company actually doing its part to ensure something like this doesn't happen again. And all the while, I continued to play games on my PlayStation 3 (and other consoles) just as I did prior to the breach.

I know there are few people who agree with me, but I just don't see the value of online gaming the way most folks do. As far as I'm concerned, the offline world is a much better place for gamers.


