PS4 console teased ahead of full E3 hardware details

Back in February during Sony's PS4 reveal, the company didn't show off the console itself because it's merely "just a box." Instead, we were treated with a look at the DualShock 3 controller, as well as a glimpse at some upcoming games that we can look forward to playing once the console is released. Today, however, Sony has teased the console itself, with several close-up angles that really don't tell us much in the end.


The teaser video, which you can watch below, gives us a very blurry view of the PS4 console box itself, although it doesn't look like much through an unfocused lens. Throughout the video, we get treated with quick flashes of various close-up angles of the console, including its edges, corners, vents, and logos (which we're guessing the image above is a new logo of some sort).

At the end of the teaser, we're treated with a date of June 10 at 6 pm PT, which is during Sony's press conference at E3, meaning that we'll get treated with the full PS4 treatment at E3, including more details about the hardware, as well as a release date for the console. Microsoft is also expected to show off its next-gen console at E3 this year.


Speaking of Microsoft, the company is set to announce their next-generation Xbox console tomorrow, so we're pretty sure that today's teaser from Sony was strategically timed to attempt to take a bit of day-before excitement away from Microsoft. However, come tomorrow, all eyes will be on the Redmond-based company and their new gaming console.

The PS4 is planned to release in time for the holiday season, and we can only expect Microsoft to do the same with their console. However, it'll be up in the air on who out-shines who when Santa comes to town. Needless to say, it'll be nice to have the console wars heated up again after neither company has released a new console in quite some time.

