PS3 System Software Update 4.0 To Land This Week
It's time for a new software update for your PS3 to land. According to the Official Playstation Blog, the PS3 will be updated to software version 4.0 this week. Exactly what day that update will land isn't offered, but it has to be in the next couple days. Sony says that the update is to prepare for the launch of the PS Vita in Japan.
One of the big features for the Japanese gamers that will be getting the PS Vita is that with the update applied the player will be able to use the PS3 as a content management device. The user will be allowed to transfer digital content like games, music, photos, and videos between the Vita and the PS3 console. PS Vita games will also be able to backup to the PS3.
The update will also allow the updating of the Vita software via the PS3. There are also a number of other changes the new software update will make including game patches and system software updates. The PS3 will also get game and video recommendations and sync trophy information. New settings for the PlayStation Network will also come with friend requests and messages.