PS Vita First Edition Bundle Unboxed Early By Sony

Sony's PlayStation Vita portable is set to launch in the US on February 22, but a special First Edition bundle will be arriving on February 15 for those who've pre-ordered. With less than a week to count down for the bundle, Sony's US PR team has posted its own official unboxing video to give a tantalizing preview of the bundle's contents.


The PS Vita First Edition bundle will include the 3G-enabled unit itself along with a 4GB PS Vita memory card, a limited edition carrying case, and a physical copy of the Little Deviants game. The bundle will also include a set of AR Play game cards that enable augmented reality play with a host of mini games that can be downloaded for free.

Additionally, the PS Vita First Edition bundle packs an AT&T DataConnect Session Pass good for one free 250MB data session when you purchase one 250MB data session and a free PlayStation Network game that can be redeemed when you activate 3G for your PS Vita.

[via PlayStation Blog]

