Police start seizing Uber cars in France

The clash between Uber drivers and taxi drivers in France became very serious this week, including everything from blocking transportation routes to the alleged dropped of bricks onto Uber cars from overpasses. Today the nation's Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called Uber "arrogant" following his order yesterday for police officers in Paris to seize any UberPOP vehicles that are operating despite the ban. Legal action has also been filed against UberPOP mangers in France.


Uber is known for its brute force roll outs in regions, launching its service there regardless of whether the city is aware or has approved of it. This usually spurs the city into rapidly getting legislation in place, and sometimes it works out well for Uber.

Other times, though, Uber is on the losing end, as well as the drivers who end up being hit with fines for operating without the correct license. In France, though, things have become more severe, with protesters targeting cars they believe to be Uber cars. Tires have been set on fire, rocks have been thrown, and cars have been beat with rods.

On Thursday the police in Paris were ordered to start seizing UberPOP cars that are still operating. Uber, though, has reportedly pushed back at the government's attempts, saying it is interfering "in the course of justice", according to Reuters.


SOURCE: Reuters

Image via BBC

