Penguin pulls eBooks from OverDrive lending service

The eBook world is a fickle as the world of digital music. Publishers are always worried that eBooks are taking away from the sales of traditional print books and that the security isn't good enough. With more and more companies, lending eBooks at libraries and other places the eBook world is changing again. I continue to be surprised that the book publishers allowed lending of books at all.


Word has surfaced that Penguin Books has forced the removal of its eBook titles from the Overdrive lending library. According to OverDrive last week it received word from Penguin that it was reviewing the terms for lending on its eBook titles. While the terms were under review, OverDrive notes that it was asked to suspend lending of Penguin eBooks. It's not looking good for the ability to lend books using eReaders like the Kindle.

I don't understand the issue here. Penguin is claiming that security concerns with its digital versions are delaying availability in new titles on digital formats until the concerns are resolved. The thing is that the eBooks Amazon sells in digital formats are using the same security as the lending versions and the sale versions are still on Amazon. It sounds like Penguin is scrambling to find a way to squeeze more money out of readers by limiting loans.


[via The Digital Reader]

