Over 500,000 Android devices activated daily tweets Rubin

Fans of Android will recognize the name Andy Rubin as the father of Android. Rubin cooked up Android and then sold the OS to Google back in 2005. Google was slow to catch on but today the OS is booming and is the most popular for mobile devices in many areas. Rubin has taken to twitter to share some information on just how good Android is doing today and the information is very impressive to say the least. Rubin has offered details on how many Android devices are activated daily.


According to Rubin Android is seeing over 500,000 new devices activated each day. That number would count smartphones and tablets along with other Android devices. Just as impressive as the over 500,000 daily activations is that Rubin notes that number is growing at 4.4% week over week. Rubin tweeted similar stats back in December of 2010.

At that time Rubin noted that 300,000 Android smartphones were activated daily. The numbers have grown significantly in six months. I think most will agree that Android is going to hold this momentum for a long time to come. Back in April Rubin was promoted within Google to Senior Vice President.

[via Android Community]

