OnePlus X Goes Out Of Stock, Goes Bye-Bye For Good
With OnePlus taking hit after hit of negative publicity with the OnePlus 3, first due to hardware issues, then with an unavoidable UK price hike, the startup is probably hunkering down on its resources and shedding excess baggage. Sadly, that means something has to give and in this case it is the OnePlus X that is apparently taking the fall. User reports are coming in saying that the mid-range smartphone is marked out of stock in almost all markets. And those who still have pending orders are being informed that those stocks will no longer be replenished and they will be given refunds instead.
The OnePlus X is admittedly an odd duck in OnePlus' relatively small portfolio. While the company is best known for putting out flagship grade smartphones, the OnePlus X was unabashedly a mid-tier device, practically an upgrade of the 2014 OnePlus One. Still, it gave the startup an opportunity to address a different market segment while not abandoning its primary audience.
We won't really know how well or poorly the OnePlus X did in the market, but if OnePlus had to discontinue one of its smartphones, the OnePlus X does seem like a fit. While the OnePlus One is definitely older, it has far more existing users and fans and is quite a favorite among modders and power users. It might also imply that the OnePlus X may have not sold as much, especially considering there is a better OnePlus 2 available.
The question now is whether OnePlus will put out a successor for the OnePlus X or nix that mid-range line entirely. Given how relatively fewer resources it has to splurge on more smartphone models, it might make more business sense for it to focus on what it does best, making affordable premium Android smartphones.
SOURCE: OnePlus Forums