OLEDs Not So Efficient
LEDs are known for their efficiency. And that's a good thing, considering they're in just about everything these days. But the truly fantastic thing about LEDs is their ability to convert 50-70% of the energy that goes through them into light. However, high costs have prevented them from taking over traditional lighting like fluorescents, until now. The Organic LED, or OLED may be the cost solution, but energy efficiency will be lost, according to researchers at the University of Utah.
Since OLEDs are made of organic plastic materials, they are much cheaper to produce. However, much of the efficiency is lost, and OLEDs only have a theoretical efficiency of 25%. That's a significant downfall, and while better than fluorescents, it loses some of its efficient luster.
Though the hope that OLEDs would squash LEDs—and thus replace traditional lighting—is now gone, it's apparent that both LED forms will be put into use. After all, they both have different features that are required for different situations. But I guess we'll have to look for energy efficiency from somewhere else.
[via CrunchGear]