Oculus Rift development kits now shipping

The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset is becoming more of an actual reality now. The company announced today that developer kits of the Oculus Rift are now shipping out to developers. In fact, the company says that units actually started shipping out Wednesday, so some developers may have already gotten theirs.


It feels like yesterday when we were hearing about the prototype of the VR headset, and after an extremely successful Kickstarter campaign back in August, the Oculus Rift has made headlines all other the internet. The company even made an appearance at CES, where it showed off the VR technology to attendees.

The company says they shipped over 10,000 developer kits, so we should be seeing quite a surge in support for the VR headset before it officially ships out to Kickstarter backers and the general public. The first game, however, to receive official support for the VR headset is Valve's Team Fortress 2.

Furthermore, with dev units shipping out, Oculus has opened up its developer portal on its website. There you'll find everything you need to get started creating content for the VR headset. In the meantime, if you're not a developer, you get the honor of waiting it out before the public will have the chance to receive their own units.


