Northrup's ISS cargo launch will happen Saturday if weather cooperates

On Saturday, February 20, Northrup Grumman will launch its latest cargo resupply run for the International Space Station, delivering the supplies and other items astronauts need to live and conduct experiments. The launch will involve the Antares rocket and the Cygnus spacecraft — but may end up delayed if the weather fails to cooperate.


Assuming everything goes as planned, NASA says Northrup will launch its Antares rocket carrying the Cygnus capsule full of supplies at 12:36 PM EST. The launch will take place at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, specifically at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport.

In an update shared on Friday, NASA said that the weather forecast for launch day is '75% favorable,' meaning there's a chance the launch may be delayed. The space agency explains that at this time, the biggest potential issues will be a 'slight' possibility of cumulus clouds and cloud ceilings, as well as excessive ground winds.

A low-pressure system moved off the mid-Atlantic coast on late Friday, taking the rain showers with it, NASA explains, with tonight bringing high pressure to the region. With this change will come cold conditions and a reduction in cloud cover, as well as gusty winds.


Overall, NASA is optimistic that the weather will be suitable for the scheduled launch tomorrow, but it's not unusual for these events to be postponed due to unfavorable weather situations. As with other launches, NASA will offer live coverage of the cargo mission on its app and website for the public to watch regardless of when it takes place.

