New York leads big coalition asking FDA to ban most vape liquid flavors

A coalition featuring 31 states and territories is petitioning the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban nearly all electronic cigarette (vape) liquids, as well as limiting the amount of nicotine available in these products. The request, which also applies to oral nicotine products like gum, is based on the argument that these products appeal to teens.

The coalition's request is based on the increasing number of underage users who have started vaping. Critics argue that the availability of tasty flavors like fruit, desserts, mint, and similar make vaping more appealing to teens who are likewise at greater risk of addiction compared to their adult counterparts.

The coalition says the FDA should fully ban menthol, fruit, mint, and candy vaping liquid flavors in order to reduce the appeal of e-cigarettes among youth. The group cites surveys that found the overwhelming majority of teens choose these flavors over their less-tasty tobacco counterparts.

Beyond that, the coalition wants the FDA to limit how much nicotine can be present in oral and vaping tobacco products, citing the stimulant's effect on developing brains. The coalition argues that high nicotine levels available in some of these products pave the way for everything from nicotine poisoning to problems with schoolwork and mental health impacts.

The coalition is formed by the attorney generals of many states, including California, Alaska, Michigan, Nevada, Washington, Wisconsin, Vermont, Utah, Rhode Island, and others. The Food and Drug Administration hasn't issued a public statement about the petition at this time.