New Google Sites Now Ready To Build Websites For Everyone

Building websites is as much an art as it is (computer) science. And, let's face it, not everyone has what it takes to craft beautiful, not to mention engaging, websites, nor do we always have a web designer on call. Don't worry, though, because Google has you covered, again. After a period of dormancy, the Google Sites website builder is jumping back into action, newer, fresher, and more responsive than ever before, to help you and your team make websites that are just as fresh and responsive.


Website builders haven't gone the way of the dodo bird. They've just taken on a different, web-based form. Google Sites has actually been around for a while, 8 years ago in fact, but it eventually descended to become the forgotten part of Google's enterprise suite, now known as G Suite, formerly known as "Google Apps for Work", formerly formerly known as "Google Apps for Your Domain". Now, like a phoenix rising, it has been resurrected with more powers than before.

Google Sites functions as a drag-and-drop website builder and Google itself compares it to like creating a document. Well, at least a mixed media document with images, links, videos, and more. The web-based tool itself has been updated to be snappier and prettier, now sporting Google's pervasive material design.


The real magic of Sites, however, comes in its collaborative and responsive features. Like anything from Google's productivity suite, Sites allows multiple team members to work on a website in real time, without worrying about conflicts. You can also add content from almost any Google app you can imagine, from calendars to maps to files videos on Google Drive. And building a website on Google Sites ensures that the end result works well on any screen, be it a desktop or a smartphone. You can even preview it on such screen sizes before you make the site public.

Previously only available to a select few testers, the new Google Sites is now open for everyone, particularly G Suite customers, to use. They still have the option to go back to the classic, less featured interface if they choose to do so.

SOURCE: Google

