Netflix will start emailing parents reports about their child's viewing habits

Netflix has announced two changes to its Kids platform, both that make it easier for parents to find something for their kids to watch and to monitor what they're streaming. As with Netflix for adults, the Kids side of Netflix is getting a Top Ten banner that reveals the shows other children in the user's country are watching. Joining the new content row is the option to get viewing habit emails.


As with the Top Ten row that has been available for a while on adult profiles, Netflix's Kids profiles also now contain a "Top 10 in Kids" row that shows what other people in your country are watching. The row highlights child-friendly movies and TV shows that are popular at the moment, helping parents find new content that their kid may enjoy.

Perhaps more interesting is the new parental control feature that sends parents bi-weekly recaps of their child's viewing habits. The emails are designed to help parents understand the kind of content their child prefers, as well as providing resources their kid may like. For example, the email will feature recommendations based on the content your child watches.


Likewise, the email will outline the types of shows and/or themes that match the child's interests based on their viewing history, such as liking shows about friendship. The emails may also contain coloring sheets of characters from shows your child likes; these can be printed at home and given to the child to color.

Ultimately, the emails will make it easy for parents to keep an eye on what their child is watching and the kind of things they're interested in, potentially opening the door for introducing new shows and movies their child may like. The addition of free printable coloring pages is a nice touch for young viewers.

