Netflix outs new iPhone experience

Yesterday Netflix announced a new experience for iPhone users who stream video from their mobile device. According to Netflix, millions of members use their smartphones to instantly watch movies and TV shows every day. Netflix is been working to make the streaming experience more enjoyable for Apple device owners and has announced a new Netflix experience for iPhone and iPod Touch users.


Netflix says that compared to the previous versions of the Netflix experience on the iPhone and the iPod touch. The new version is more immersive giving users access to more titles and galleries than was previously shown on a smartphone. The new experience for iPhone users is now much closer to the experience tablet users got with the upgrade from last year.

At the top of the iPhone and iPod Touch Browse screen is a new row that lets users continue watching shows or movies that they previously started right where they left off. Users in some regions will also have access to the Instant Queue on the home screen just below the user's individual Top 10 list. Netflix also says that further down the screen are several new personalized rows with movie and TV show recommendations for the user.


The new experience also has the ability for the user to tap the browse menu to access an extensive list of galleries offering titles organized into categories. There is also a children and family gallery with movies organized by age. Tapping on the title offers more information on the show, and a double tap starts instant playback. Watch the video below to get a better idea of how the new Netflix experience on the iPhone works. The new experience is available on the App Store today for devices running iOS 5.0 and up.

