NEStari - The Ultimate NES/Atari Handheld

I think it's safe to say that Ben Heck is one of my heroes. This guy can take just about any gaming console into something far cooler than it was when he got it. Now he's crammed an NES and an old Atari 2600 into a portable package.


Mind you that it's a bit larger than your DS, but you have to think about everything that he's crammed inside of this thing. I never actually owned an Atari, but I know my NES is actually bigger than my current DVD player, so that's not too shabby at all.

The NEStari runs off of rechargeable batteries and features a 3.5-inch screen which should be plenty large enough to play your favorite games. This is a one-of-a-kind mod, so if you really must have it, Ben is willing to let it go for the right price.

ben heck's nes atari portable console mashup [via technabob]

