NASA details repair of small ISS leak caused by micrometeoroid

Early this morning, astronauts on the International Space Station learned about a small leak impacting cabin pressure. The leak, which is thought to be the result of a micrometeoroid, is described as not being life threatening. In a statement, NASA explained that flight controllers in both Houston and Moscow noticed signs of the issue yesterday evening.


The issue started at 7PM EDT last night when flight controllers for the ISS noted signs of a "minute pressure leak." Controllers located at both NASA's facility in Houston, Texas, as well as in Moscow, continued to monitor the issue, ultimately deciding to let the crew on the ISS get a proper night's sleep before alerting them; there was never any danger to them.

Early this morning, the flight controllers informed the crew about the leak. The Russian Mission Control Center and Mission Control Houston initiated procedures used to determine where the leak was located — it was eventually found in the Russian segment of the ISS.

According to a new update from NASA, a series of "extensive checks" by the crew eventually resulted in the issue being found on the orbital outpost on the Russian side. In its most recent update, NASA says the Expedition 56 crew has successfully repaired the damage and that after observing it, the ISS's "cabin pressure is holding steady."


The ISS crew reports that the leak originated from a hole measuring only about 2mm across located on the upper section of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft. Roscosmos' Soyuz commander Sergey Prokopyev repaired the leak using epoxy placed on a gauze wipe. The Russian team is working on analyzing what may have caused the leak.


