Mystery of the Mega Man titles solved

Have any of you managed to figure out how many Mega Man titles there are? Apparently Capcom was having some issues figuring out the answer to that question themselves, and posed it to gamers earlier this month to find the answer. Well they seem to have gotten things sorted because they recently revealed the answer in a report listing various life-to-date sales figures of their gaming franchises.


The magic number? 120. There are 120 games staring the Blue Bomber himself. Some characters are lucky to even get a sequel, and this guy manages to get an additional 119 games, that's just incredible.

What's even more incredible than the number of titles is the sales figures. Even though there have only been 50 titles in the Resident Evil series (yet somehow they're just getting to Resident Evil 5), those games managed to outsell Mega Man by a whopping 6.5 million units.

[via Next-Gen]

