Mint budget tracker app can now monitor your subscriptions

Mint, the money-management app, has pushed out an update for iPhone users that brings a number of new features, as well as a refreshed design. Among other things, the changes enable users to monitor their subscriptions, get personalized insights into their finances, and more. Android users will soon get these features, too.

Many people sign up for subscriptions, turn on auto-pay, and then promptly forget about those charges. If you're one of those people, Mint's update brings a useful feature: automatic subscription tracking. With this addition, the Mint app will show details on any subscriptions you're paying with the bank account or credit cards linked to the app.

As the image above shows, the app will alert users when their subscription prices have increased, showing the previous amount, current amount, and the difference between the two. That new feature is joined by the new ability to bulk edit more than one transaction simultaneously. This is a big improvement over the previous one-by-one categorization.

Mint users — at least the ones on iPhone, for now — also get access to 'Mintsights,' which is the company's term for personalized insights into one's finances and how they can be tweaked to pay down debt and save money. As well, users can set their own goals, budgets, and streaks to get achievements when they reach their goals.

Ultimately, the design refresh aims to make Mint an 'all-in-one' app that brings together budgets, bills, and financial accounts. iPhone users can access the new features now, but it's unclear when the same update will roll out to those on Android devices.