Microsoft Takes Apple Genius Idea Online With Answer Desk

For years if you needed help with you Mac all you had to do was walk into your local Apple store and hike over to the Genius Bar. Those guys could help you with your issues and send you home fixed up. Microsoft Windows PC users haven't had a way to get fixed like that. The only option if you had OS issues was to go somewhere like Geek Squad. Microsoft is looking to change that with a new premium tech support offering called


At the website, users will be able to get with an Answer Tech that can help them with PC issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week every single day of the year. Apparently, the Answer Techs even work holidays. The Answer Techs that are available to speak about issues will have a profile with their expertise and a profile. I wonder if the profiles have a photo.

I can only imagine the workload the hottest Answer Techs will have to carry when lonely geeks call. The retail Microsoft Stores will also have an Answer Desk inside. This will allow you to get help in person at stores. Sample pricing for the service in stores includes virus/malware searches for $99 and an Advanced PC Tune-Up will set you back $99 as well. A premium subscription to tech support will be offered for $199. What exactly that will cover is unknown right now since no official details have been offered.


Update: The image that was originally in this post was one that Neowin had photoshopped and not an official Microsoft image. The image posted now is the official photo Microsoft sent us.

[via Neowin]

