Maisie Williams and more react to NES console

There are two types of reaction videos that are endlessly delightful: giving elderly individuals modern tech, and giving teenagers old gadgets. Game of Thrones' Maisie Williams is on-board with the latest "Teens React" video, going hands-on with the NES alongside a handful of peers.


The teens were given an NES console, and not surprisingly, a fair number knew what it was, even though few had actually played any games on it. Putting the cartridge in was an ordeal, and, of course, there was quite a bit of popping the cartridges back out and blowing in them to get them to work.

There are some facepalm-worthy remarks throughout the video — one girl has an iPhone case of the NES controller, but didn't know what it was until now, for example. When asked about games, most of them were aware of the titles only because of their DS counterparts.

Super Mario was the most popular; The Legend of Zelda isn't quite as popular as Super Mario, with only a few of the teens knowing what it was, and Metroid was even less known. Perhaps most entertaining is how many of them died within a few seconds of firing up Super Mario.


VIA: Kotaku

