Lightest material on Earth is 100 times lighter than Styrofoam

In the tech world it's not, uncommon to see firms touting their device is the lightest this or that and often there are caveats to their claims. A group of researchers has invented a new material that has no caveats. It's simply the lightest material on earth. What's it going to be used for? No one knows at this point.

The material is comprised 99.99% of air alone and is a microlattice cellular architecture that is made from nickel. Apparently, the material can be made from other materials as well. However, nickel was the easiest material to use. The composition of the lattice is 90% nickel.

The chunk of the material you see in the photo is so light it sits atop a dandelion and doesn't crush the weed. The scientists are studying exactly what to use the material for. Some thoughts are things like impact protection and various things in the aerospace industry. Apparently, the material floats down like a feature if you toss it in the air and takes ten seconds to reach the ground when dropped from shoulder height. Sounds like a Splinter Cell device for floating cameras to me.

[via LA Times]