Lego + Transformers + Gameboy = Nerdgasm

I had a Game Boy back in the day, and at the time it was pretty cool. Compared to today's standards it was horrible, but so things go with progress. Back in the day, the Game Boy was one of my favorite things along with Tetris. I also had a serious fixation on Transformers and Lego. A geek named Julius von Brunk has crafted a mashup that wraps all three of those 80s favorites in one project, and it's awesome.


The dude took Lego building blocks and created a transformer that into a Game Boy. The creation is complete with a pair of Duracell AA batteries made from Lego and a Tetris game cartridge that appears to be accurate. He calls the creation Domaster and says it took about a month to engineer and construct. I shall just call it epic.

The custom decals used to get the Game Boy accuracy were made on a laser printer. I can't imagine how complex the engineering task on this was to make something so accurate yet able to transform into a robot. The thing even has a battery compartment for the Lego AAs. The builder promises and instruction video so you can build your own if you're so inclined.

[via Dvice]


