Kodak sues Samsung over digital imaging patents

Kodak has announced that it is suing Samsung over five digital imaging patents. The complaint was filed against Samsung in the US District Court for the Western District of New York and follows similar allegations filed against Apple and HTC earlier this month.


The five patents named in the lawsuit include US Patent No. 6,292,218, US Patent No. 7,210,161, US Patent No. 7,742,084, US Patent No. 7453,605, and US Patent No. 7,936,391. All of which involve the capturing of digital images and transferring of the images over a cellular or wireless network. It's not clear, however, which Samsung devices are specifically being singled out.

The iconic photography brand is rumored to be on the verge of bankruptcy. It has been attempting to sell off its patent trove to raise enough cash to stay afloat and to transition into a printer company. It's recent lawsuits appear to be part of its patent marketing efforts to show that it still has some useful IP in its portfolio.


[via Forbes]

