Jaguar And Land Rover Vehicles Of The Future Will Help Combat Motion Sickness

Many people out there struggle to ride in or drive cars due to motion sickness. Jaguar and Land Rover have announced that future vehicles from the brands will help to cure motion sickness. The vehicles will integrate tech that can tell if you aren't feeling well and adjust settings to help you feel better. Jaguar Land Rover says that its research into motion sickness has found techniques to reduce the effects of motion sickness by 60%.


Research tells us that motion sickness affects over 70% of people. Jaguar Land Rover has created an algorithm that generates a wellness score for each passenger in a vehicle. Those wellness scores are used to personalize the vehicle driving and cabin settings to reduce the effects of feeling ill inside the car by up to 60%. In its research, Jag collected 15,000 miles of motion sickness data and tested the effects of motion sickness caused by performing tasks while driving, like checking email.

The research allowed the creation of a baseline driving style for self-driving vehicles to work toward to reduce the possibility of making people motion sick as much as possible. Jag says that motion sickness is often caused when the eyes observe different information that is sensed by the inner ear, skin, or body forces, this commonly happens when reading while in a car for instance.


Jag's wellness score calculates how susceptible drivers and passengers are to car sickness via biometric sensors that record physiological signals. Jaguar is also using vehicle design techniques to mitigate motion sickness, like raising the infotainment system screen by 10cm to cut motion sickness by 40%. Jag also integrates more seat configurations into its E-Pace, this allows the infotainment screen to be raised to a level that makes viewing it more comfortable.

E-Pace also has Adaptive Dynamics to remove low-frequency motion from the road. Its digital systems can adjust the ride every 10ms to ensure that the passenger experiences a high level of comfort. Jag's first phase of research will be complete this month and findings are being implemented into projects now.

SOURCE: Jaguar

