Instagram beats twitter for the first time in daily mobile user metric

Unless you live under a rock, you know what twitter and Instagram are. Twitter is a microblogging platform and Instagram is the photo taking and sharing application that allows users to apply all sorts of filters to their pictures. Recent data from a comScore mobile measurement report has shown that Instagram has beat twitter in daily mobile users for the first time ever.


The report shows that during August, Instagram had an average of 7.3 million daily active users. Twitter by comparison had an average of 6.9 million daily average users during the same month. Not only did Instagram have more daily active users than the more established twitter; users also spent more time with Instagram.

The data shows that the average Instagram user spent 257 minutes on the photo sharing site using mobile devices. The average Twitter user on the other hand spent only 170 minutes viewing content via mobile devices. Perhaps the most interesting thing about users for both services during the month is that twitter had more smartphone-based visitors during the month than Instagram.


Twitter had approximately 29 million unique smart phone-based visitors for the month compared to Instagram's 22 million. The data clearly shows that Instagram users visit the service more often and spend more time interacting than twitter users.

[via AllThingsD]

