Indie Band The Maccabees Shoot A Music Video Using Hacked Kinect Cameras

It's been clear for a long time that there a lot of uses for the Microsoft Kinect camera that Microsoft probably never thought of. We have seen these cameras do all sorts of things, but I can't say that I've ever seen them used to shoot a music video for a band. That's exactly what an independent band called The Maccabees is doing.


The band's music video is being directed by Jamie Roberts and Will Hanke, and the directing duo whipped up a unique camera rig using Xbox Kinect cameras. The rig will be used to record a 15-minute segment for the video from all angles. The music video will be published on Vevo when done. The camera rig used 10 Kinect cameras and was designed by visual artist and coder James Alliban.

The band will play three songs with the Kinect camera rig recording as they play. The data recorded by the camera will then be imported into a post processing application called Maya to create a fully 3-D model of the band's performance. Once the data is imported into the software, and a 3-D model is in place, an animator can come back and apply visual effects for a unique music video.


[via Wired]

