Indian Eye Doctor Creates Contact Lenses Made From Gold And Diamonds

My mom wears contacts and I can remember her always cleaning them and complaining about how much they bothered her eyes. I would never wear contacts just for style and I think we can be honest in saying that the contacts that try to change the color of your eyes aren't fooling anyone. If you are rich and want some contacts that have more bling than something that just makes your eyes look gold Shekhar Eye Research has your lenses.


The company worked with Dr. Chandrashekhar Chawan and the contact lenses were designed by Sanjay Shah. Each of the lenses is encrusted with 18 diamonds on a gold plate. The lenses can be customized to suit the individual user's tastes. The gold plate used in the lenses is 6-9mm away from the cornea and will hold water underneath to make them more comfortable. The contact weighs 5g.

I can't understand how you could put diamonds on contacts that go in your eye and be able to wear them and see through them. These lenses sound uncomfortable and they make you look like some sort of vampire. If you have to own a set, you can get one of the 3,996 pairs for $15,000. Just be sure you don't drop one of them.


[via Bornrich]

