IDC Reports Processor Shipments Flat In Q4 2010 Year-Over-Year
When it comes to tracking the computer market IDC is one of the research firms we all look to for an idea how well things are going. IDC has issued its report for worldwide PC microprocessor shipments for Q4 2010 this week and ranked the vendors on unit and a revenue basis.
In Q4 2010, processor shipments were flat compared to the same quarter of the previous year, but overall processor shipments grew for 2010. IDC reports that microprocessor shipments grew 17.1% for all of 2010 compared to 2009 with revenue increasing overall by 26.7% to $36.3 billion.
The industry has no drama when it comes to first place; Intel has 80.8% of the microprocessor market with a growth of 0.4%. AMD had 18.9% market share for a loss of 0.4%, and VIA had a scant 0.3% of the market in Q4 2010. The prediction for 2011 from IDC is growth to the tune of 10.1%.