iBox Is $25 Worth Of Wood To Hold Your iPad

We understand that there's all sorts of different cases for the iPad. In a lot of ways, we can tell that the tablet from Apple has inspired quite a few folks out there to turn to Do It Yourself projects, and that's never a bad thing. And, truth be told, there's never anything bad about wanting to make a quick buck. And, that's exactly what this designer is after — you can be the judge if it's going to work or not.


It's called the iBox, and it's made of wood. As you can clearly tell, there's not a lot of design elements here. There's a ridge for you to stand the iBox up, and therefore have the iPad standing on its edge, and if you're lying it down there's plenty of room to put some accessories there. Along the side, there's a whole where you can trail the phone's AC charger through, that way you don't have to waste the battery while you're using the iBox.

The designer is charging $25 for their wooden stand, but from the looks of it, you might be able to do this yourself, for cheaper. Just a guess, though. Something else of note, is the designer's mention that the box actually improves the iPad's overall sound quality. And considering the space between the speaker and the box, and the fact that the sound should resonate off the wood just fine, so that could very well be possible. If anyone out there buys one from this site, go ahead and let us know what you think of it.


[via OhGizmo]

