Hulu Expected to Appear on Xbox 360 at E3

There's all sorts of talk about Hulu getting some kind of premium service. One that, obviously, you'd have to pay into to get any of the benefits from. And, while many people assumed that the iPad would be the means to that end, considering its presence in the media consumption market, there was another platform that many didn't even consider. And if sources are correct, it looks like that's the way Hulu is going. Following in the steps of Netflix, Hulu looks like it'll be making a long-term appearance on Microsoft's Xbox 360.


This year at E3, we can guess what's coming, especially when it comes to Microsoft. We know we're going to get a full showing of Project Natal, and obviously there will be plenty of video game news coming out of the conference. But what we didn't expect is Hulu. According to GearLive, who spoke with one of their sources that "is never wrong," Microsoft is set to unveil the latest edition to their premium Xbox LIVE online service. In the same way that Netflix integrates with the online service, and has a permanent presence on the 360's Dashboard, as would the Hulu service.

Unfortunately, the source was unable to give GearLive any information about pricing, or an actual release date for the new service, but hopefully it wouldn't be much more than Netflix's $9.99 minimum price tag. But, the big question would be, if you are paying a premium for the service, are you able to get the full access to Hulu we'd expect, or would we be limited in some capacity or another? We don't have long to wait, as E3 is just under two weeks away, so stay tuned.


[via GearLive]

